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Fig. 1 | Journal of Activity, Sedentary and Sleep Behaviors

Fig. 1

From: Twenty-four hour physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep profiles in adults living with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional latent class analysis

Fig. 1

Across-profile comparisons: Average time spent in each of six discrete sleep-awake activity categories over 24-hours (1440 min)

The images below the figure from left to right represent the following sleep-awake activities: (1) off-body time (unknown activity, likely showering/bathing), (2) lying down asleep, (3) lying down awake (resting), (4) awake non-ambulatory activities (likely sitting or standing still), (5) awake intermittent (lower cadence) walking, and (6) awake purposeful (higher cadence) walking. Average time in each sleep or awake activity category is identified in minutes / day (Y axis), with additional markers embedded in the figure to identify key daily cut- points for time spent sleeping (< 7 and > 8 h), sitting / standing still (< 10 and > 12 h), walking intermittently (lower cadence walking) (< 3 h) and walking purposefully (higher cadence walking) (< 25 min)

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